NAVTEQ sample data from the below path:
Link to download or buy map data from different vendors:
Link to download or buy map data from different vendors:
Step 1: Download NAVTEQ data
Go to the
below link:
Create a
folder c:\Sample_data and extract or unzip the contents of both the file into
this folder location.
Step 2: Connecting to SQLPLUS
Go to
command prompt, and login as ‘Sysdba’ to run the scripts as shown below:
I do not have the screenshots for few other steps to execute the sql file, but
I will initially show the screenshot of all files which I have used to import
Step 3: Create OBIEE_ NAVTEQ user
First run ‘OBIEE_NAVTEQ_USER.sql’ file which
would create obiee_navteq user [screenshot shown below”]:
How to run the above sql file?
Since you
have already connected to SQLPLUs in step 3, you can run the above command:
‘@OBIEE_NAVTEQ_USER.sql’ and it should create the user. In case you experience
any issues, then run the commands within the sql files individually
GRANT "CONNECT" TO obiee_navteq;
Step 4: Import NAVTEQ data dump
Run the
script ‘setup_sample_data.sql’ file to load/ import data into ‘obiee_navteq’.
You can see
the import of data happening once you press ‘Enter key’, but you can also see
some warnings towards the end of the sql related to “gcbc_sales “ which you can
ignore for now.
You can use
GCBC_SALES if you want to use the Oracle provided data and RPD to implement
this map viewer. This would even simplify your job since you would not need to
configure an RPD nor require data to see your map in OBIEE.
Once the
above import is successful you can login to database using
‘obiee_navteq/obiee_navteq’ to check the data.
Step 5: Building corresponding Site/City/Country table in your data model
Now you need
to have a table in your database which stores ‘Site’ or ‘City’ information.
This would need to be mapped to the state/city table in OBIEE_NAVTEQ.
In my
analysis, I have imported NAVTEQ data in my local DB server and RPD created on
some remote database which has client site data. Unfortunately the client site
is a combination of City and States and cannot be directly mapped to Navteq
I am trying
to customize the Navteq data to map that with my client site data and populate
data based on my client site. This would be little bit challenging but let us
give a try.
I configured
my RPD with a fact and few other dimensions which has a customer
Make sure
the above dimension table is joined to the fact and is exposed in presentation
Step 6: Login to MAP VIEWER
Log into map
viewer with the below URL:
Step 7: Configure MAP VIEWER
Click on Admin link and then ‘Configuration Link’ as
shown below:
Search for ‘map_data_source’ and place the
below statements [make sure we remove the comments section indicated using <!-- à:
jdbc_password=enter password
Click on
“Save and Restart” button towards the bottom…
Click on
‘Data Sources’ and you will see the screen as:
Select ‘OBIEE_WORLD_MAP’ and click on ‘Bring online’
You will see
the below message:
Step 8: Configure MAP VIEWER in OBIEE Administration
Now login to
OBIEE answers and click on ‘Administration’ link and ‘Manage Map Data’ link:
‘OBIEE_COUNTRY’ and ‘CITIES’ map as shown in the below screen:
‘OBIEE_WORLD_MAP’ and click on ‘OK’:
on ‘Edit Background Map’ and select the maps as shown below:
I have added the below map for reporting purpose:
Step 9: Mapping Map Layer and BI Key
Map your
client db Site table to Map viewer column as shown below:
select ‘OBIEE_COUNTRY’ map and assign the corresponding key.
Step 10: Create report with MAP
Go to
answers and create a report with Site Column and other measures. Select Map
View and you will be able to see your metric value represented within the site
Map viewer
is functional now and you can play around with the properties…
You can have
tooltip text to indicate values of metrics, and even shapes as shown below [the
size of the shapes would vary based on the metric values]:
Hope this
guide helps you in configuring map viewer successfully. Please leave your
comments and let me know if you have any questions. If you want to do more customization's on the map, do leave your comments and I can try to help you out.
Hi Sudeep, thanks for the detailed steps..
ReplyDeleteBut I am stuck at a point..While importing layers, I dont see any layers in the 'Available Layers' combo box after selecting my Datasource in 'Look in' combo.What can be the reason?
I also tried used the 'world sample' data from OTN, but m facing the same issue there also..
Can u pls help..Thanks!
ReplyDeleteDid you solve this issue.I am getting same issue.Can you please help me on this.
awsome piece of information, I had come to know about your website from my friend vinod, indore,i have read atleast seven posts of yours by now, and let me tell you, your blog gives the best and the most interesting information. This is just the kind of information that i had been looking for, i'm already your rss reader now and i would regularly watch out for the new posts, once again hats off to you! Thanks a ton once again, Regards, obiee training in hyderebad